Mumbai. Prime Minister Narendra Modi reached Mumbai from Delhi on Wednesday morning amid dense fog. Here he was given Guard of Honour. After this, Prime Minister Modi dedicated three leading naval warships of the Navy, INS Surat, INS Nilgiri and INS Waghshir, to the nation at the Naval Dockyard in Mumbai. The Prime Minister said that the induction of three frontline naval warships into the Navy will strengthen India's efforts to become a global leader in the defense sector and will increase efforts towards self-reliance.
Navy's strength will increase
The commissioning of three major naval warships is a significant achievement towards realizing India's vision of becoming a global leader in defense manufacturing and maritime security.
INS Surat
INS Surat, the fourth and final warship of the P15B Guided Missile Destroyer project, is one of the largest and most sophisticated destroyers in the world. It has 75 per cent indigenous content and is equipped with state-of-the-art weapon-sensor packages and advanced network-centric capabilities.
INS Nilgiri
INS Nilgiri, the first warship of the P17A stealth frigate project, has been designed by the Indian Navy's Warship Design Bureau. It has been inducted into the Navy with enhanced capabilities, long stay at sea and advanced stealth features. It represents the next generation of indigenous frigates.
INS Waghshir
INS Waghshir, the sixth and final submarine of the P75 Scorpene project, represents India's growing expertise in submarine construction. It has been constructed in collaboration with the French Naval Group.
PM will communicate with Mahayuti MLAs on warship INS Angre
Prime Minister Modi will meet the MLAs of the ruling Mahayuti during his visit to Mumbai on Wednesday and will give them the mantra of good governance. After dedicating two warships and one submarine to the nation at the Naval Dockyard, PM Modi will meet the MLAs of the ruling Mahayuti, which will include MLAs from the three constituent parties BJP, Shiv Sena and NCP. This is the first time that the Prime Minister will meet the MLAs in the warship INS Angre.