Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was attacked with a knife during an attempted burglary at his Bandra residence at 2 am on Thursday, January 16. Saif suffered multiple injuries, including a 10 cm wound on the neck and deep wounds near the spine. He is currently undergoing treatment at Lilavati Hospital and is said to be out of danger. The thief first grappled with Saif's house help and attacked the actor when Saif intervened.
House helper stabbed
According to Times Now, the thief first grappled with Saif's house help and stabbed her. When Saif tried to calm the situation by intervening, the thief immediately attacked the actor. Saif was injured during this scuffle. The thieves attacked him with a sharp weapon several times.
The House helper's statement recorded
The attack took place at the Satguru Sharan building, where Saif lives with his actress wife Kareena Kapoor Khan, and sons Taimur and Jeh. The police have recorded the statement of Saif's maid. "The woman is fine. She is undergoing treatment at the hospital," Zone 9 Deputy Commissioner of Police Dixit Gedam said.
FIR filed
According to the Bandra police, the thief argued with Saif's housekeeper following which the actor intervened, leading to a scuffle. The attacker fled the spot after attacking Saif with a sharp object, which required surgery to remove it. An FIR has been filed and investigations are underway.
Severe injuries
Lilavati Hospital COO Neeraj Utmani said Saif was admitted to the hospital at 3:30 am where he suffered six stab wounds, two of which were deep and one was very close to the spinal cord. Neurosurgeon Dr Nitin Dange, cosmetic surgeon Dr Leena Jain, and anaesthesiologist Dr Nisha Gandhi are attending to him.
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