Communications Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia launched the Sanchar Sathi app on Friday. With the help of this app, any customer will be able to complain about everything from mobile phone theft to cyber fraud from his mobile phone. He just has to download the Sanchar Sathi app. Sanchar Sathi app can be downloaded from both Google Play and Apple App Store.
With the help of this app, the customer will also be able to get information about the mobile connection issued in his name. Many times customers do not know how many mobile phone connections are running in their name. This facility will stop unauthorized mobile connections. With the help of the app, the authenticity of the mobile handset can be easily checked. Using the app, you will also be able to complain about suspicious calls and SMS.
National Broadband Mission 2.0 also launched
Jyotiraditya Scindia also launched the National Broadband Mission 2.0 along with the Sanchar Sathi app. He said that the primary objective of Mission 2.0 is to ensure that at least 60 out of every 100 rural families get the facility of broadband connectivity.
Under this mission, the target is to expand optical fiber cable connectivity in 2.70 lakh villages by the year 2030 and to connect 90 percent of the institutions like all schools, primary health centers, Anganwadi centers, and panchayat offices in rural areas with broadband.
The target is also set to achieve an internet speed of 100 Mbps in rural areas so that a strong digital infrastructure can be created in rural India.
Approval of 687MHz spectrum refarming for 5G and 6G service
Communications Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia said in the program of the Cellular Operators Association on Friday that by the year 2030, 2000MHz spectrum will be required given the expansion of 5G service and the launch of 6G service, etc., whereas currently, 1100MHz spectrum is available in the country. Given this, the Cabinet has approved the refarming of the 687 MHz spectrum.
This refarming will be done from the spectrum available with various government ministries. Out of this 687 MHz spectrum, 328 MHz will be made available to telecom companies immediately through a spectrum auction. The availability of 687 MHz will make a total of 1587 MHz spectrum available and the remaining 413 MHz spectrum will also be made available ahead of time to meet the requirement of 2000 MHz spectrum by 2030.
Disclaimer: This content has been sourced and edited from Dainik Jagran. While we have made modifications for clarity and presentation, the original content belongs to its respective authors and website. We do not claim ownership of the content.