Mumbai Police finally got success in the attack case at Saif Ali Khan's house. Police have arrested the accused named Mohammad Shariful Islam Shahzad from the police station. After the attack on Saif, many people have expressed their views on social media in his support. Now legendary actor Shatrughan Sinha has also expressed his views on this matter on X (earlier Twitter). But during this time he made a mistake about which people are now continuously commenting.
Shatrughan Sinha has tweeted, “It is sad and unfortunate that our very close and dear Saif Ali Khan was attacked and seriously injured. Thank God that he is recovering now. Heartfelt respect to Kareena Kapoor Khan, granddaughter of my all-time favorite 'Showman' filmmaker Raj Kapoor and family. I want to make an appeal that please stop the blame game. The police are doing good work.”
In this tweet, Shatrughan Sinha has thanked Maharashtra CM Devendra Fadnavis, Deputy CM Ajit Pawar and Deputy CM Eknath Shinde for the action. He wrote, “Saif Ali Khan is a wonderful actor and star and he is also a Padmashree and National Award winner. The law will take its course and things are going in the right place. Get Well Soon”
With this tweet, Shatrughan Sinha has shared a picture of Saif and Kareena. The picture looks like that of a hospital. But the truth is that this picture has been created with Artificial Intelligence i.e. AI. Many people are also commenting about this picture. One wrote, “This is an AI generated picture.” A user named Shiraz wrote, “Sir, you have shared an AI generated picture.” A user named Ravi Sutarshan wrote, “Sir, what is the need to share AI generated picture of Saif and Kareena.” However, after a few hours Shatrughan Sinha deleted his tweet and then tweeted his reaction again without the picture.