Rakhi Sawant is not active in films, but remains in the news on social media every day. Rakhi often says something or the other which makes headlines. Recently, he had given a dancing challenge to Pakistani actress Hania Aamir, to which Hania responded in a very funny manner. Now once again Rakhi Sawant has shared a video, in which she is seen taking names of Hania Aamir and some other Pakistani stars.
Rakhi Sawant has shared the video from the airport. During this time he carried a small suitcase in his hand. During this, she is showing the video of the entire airport and is talking about going to Pakistan. Rakhi says that she no longer wants to live in Dubai and is going to Pakistan.
Rakhi said on the ban of Tik Tok in India, “The whole world is earning money from Tik Tok, I myself am earning from Tik Tok sitting in Dubai. Tik Tok should be brought to India also. Otherwise I would have gone to Pakistan. I am going to Pakistan to meet Hania, to meet Nargis and Deedar. I am going to meet all these big stars. Hania, is there room for me in your house? I am Rakhi Sawant, your sister, coming from India. Come pick me up at the airport.”
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Rakhi Sawant further said, “I am coming to Pakistan. I don't have many bags, I have this one bag and have given the other one inside. I have a flight right now. Haniya I love you.” Hania Aamir has also given a very funny reaction to this dramatic video of Rakhi Sawant. Sharing the video, Hania said, “Assalamo Alaikum everyone good morning. I just want to say that earlier life was very sad and then Rakhi ji came into my life. Rakhi ji, I am coming to take you to the airport.”