WhatsApp is preparing to launch multi-account support for iPhone users, a feature that has already been available for Android users since October 2023. This highly anticipated update will allow users to operate two WhatsApp accounts on the same device, making it easier to manage personal and professional communications without resorting to workarounds like app clones or the WhatsApp Business app.
WhatsApp multi-account support for iPhone Feature DetailsAccording to WABetaInfo, WhatsApp is currently testing this feature for iOS in version of its beta app. While the functionality has yet to be activated for beta users, its presence in the beta version suggests that the development is well underway.
Once enabled, iPhone users will have the ability to:
The feature is expected to work in a manner similar to its Android counterpart, providing an intuitive and user-friendly experience.
Timeline for RolloutAlthough this feature is visible in the beta version, it remains inactive. Beta users will likely receive access in upcoming updates, giving testers the first opportunity to try out multi-account functionality. Following successful testing and development, WhatsApp plans to roll out multi-account support to all iOS users globally. This process could take several months, but the wait promises to be worthwhile for iPhone users seeking enhanced functionality.
Why It MattersThe addition of multi-account support is a game-changer for millions of WhatsApp users. By eliminating the need for secondary apps or alternative methods, this feature simplifies account management, particularly for those juggling work and personal communications. With this update, WhatsApp continues to solidify its position as one of the most versatile and user-friendly messaging platforms worldwide.