Healthy Diet: For health, it is very important to have nutrient -rich plate, it is necessary to pay attention to the proper development of children till the age of 10 years. Many times it happens that children have problems with not increasing height properly. At the same time, physical and mental development of children is not done in the right form, many reasons are genetic and many are due to low nutrition. For this, you need to improve diet, so let's know which things should be included in the diet.
Let me tell you that, healthy foods present in the house are beneficial to increase the diet, let's know about it…
1- Green leafy vegetables
Whether it is a child or a bigger diet, it is important to be better for the diet, for this you should include green leafy vegetables in your diet. When you include these vegetables in your diet, children get plenty of iron, calcium and anti-oxidants. Apart from this, iron found in spinach increases the amount of blood in the body. The reason for the iron element is also that, on this day oxygen reaches blood, then calcium works to strengthen bones.
2- Milk or milk items
You can consume milk or milk things in your diet to increase your height. It contains the properties of calcium and protein and vitamins in milk, which strengthen bones. Milk products should be specially made part of children's diet so that the height can increase.
3 eggs
You can include eggs in children's diet, it is rich in protein. At the same time, vitamin B2 is also found in it, which is most important to increase height. By boiling eggs or by making egg omelette, you can also give it to children.
4- Fruit
You can include fruits in children's diet, for this, you should give oranges, berries and papaya to eat, the vitamin involved is very beneficial. Vitamin C also helps the body to absorb iron which is essential for growth.
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5-dry fruits and seeds
For health, you can include dry fruits or seeds in your diet, it is fulfilled by almonds, walnuts and chia seeds etc. Protein, healthy fats and magnesium are also available in these things. Eating this does not only grow in height but shows good effect in both physical and mental forms.