Osho said what is love and if this is true then why are the conditions in it? There is a lot of difference between love and true love, because love can be expressed on many floors. When love manifests in its pure form-unconscious, blessed-then becomes a temple. And when love manifests in its impure form, like lust, exploitation and violence, like jealousy, suzerainty, like possession, then becomes prison.
The meaning of prison is: from which you want to be out and not. Prison means: One who becomes cumbersome on your personality like bondage from all sides, who does not develop you, hangs like a stone on the chest and immersed you. Prison means: Within which you can not be free to be free; The gates should be closed, chains on their hands and feet, wings have been cut. Prison means: above which the solution to cross and overcome it.
The temple means: whose door is open; If you have come in, then there is no restriction, no one holds the feet; As much as there was freedom to come in, there should be freedom to go out. You will not want to go out of the temple, but freedom to go out is always present. You would like to go out every moment from the prison, and the door is closed! And there is no way out!
The temple means: who takes you beyond yourself; Where the encroachment can be done; Which always take the facility to move up and up, and up. Whether you are lying in love and the beginning has been impure; But as the love started getting deeper, the purification started increasing. Whether love has been the attraction of the body; But as soon as the journey of love begins, love does not remain attracted to the body and there is a stretch between two minds, and the mind does not stretch till the end of the journey, the union of two souls.
The love in which you can finally see God is a temple, and in the love in which you cannot realize anyone other than your animal, it is prison. And love can be both, because you are both. You are an animal and God too. You are a ladder whose one end rests with the animal and the other end is with God. And it is up to you that you go above the ladder or descend down. The ladder is the same, the name of the same ladder is love; Only the direction will change. The stairs you have come to me and descended the same stairs and you will also go away from me. The stairs will be the same, you will also be the same, the feet will also be the same, the power of the power has been used in the same way, the same will be used in going, everything will be the same; Only your direction will change. There was a direction when your eyes were upwards, towards the sky, and the feet were following your eyes; The other direction will be, your eyes will be on the ground, towards the lower, and your feet will be following it.
Usually love removes you in the animal. That is why people have become so frightened by love; Not even so afraid of hatred, as much of love is afraid; The enemy does not feel as much fear as a friend feels. Because what will the enemy spoil? Enemies and you have a big distance, distance. But a friend can spoil a lot. And the lover can destroy you at all, because you have given an opportunity to come so close. The lover can take you down completely in hells. Therefore, people get the first glimpse of hell in love. That is why people run away from the world of love, become fugitives. Religions have taught all over the world: Avoid love. What will be the reason? The reason is that the ninety -nine in a hundred is only drowning and destroyed in love.
There is no mistake of love; It is the mistake of the drowning. And I tell you, those who used to descend into hell in love will also get down from prayer, because prayer is a form of love. And those who used to get down from the ladder of love in the house will also come down from the ladder of prayer in the ashram. The real question is not to change the ladder, nor to run away from the ladder; The real question is to change its direction.
So I do not tell you that you leave the world and run away; Because those who run away do not get anything. Except the ladder, the one who has run away, one thing is confirmed that he will not be able to get into hell; But the second thing is also confirmed how it will rise in heaven? You live in danger, in sanyasi safety; He stopped his remedy to go to hell. But at the same time the solution to go to heaven also stopped. Because they are two names of the same ladder. The monk who has run away from the world, he will not be in sorrow like you, this is certain; But the possibility of the happiness you could find was also lost. Admittedly, you are in hell, but you can be in heaven-and from the same ladder that you have landed in hell. In a hundred ninety -nine people descend down, but it is not a ladder fault; This is your mistake. And do not change yourself and to give fault on the ladder, not to self -revolving yourself and condemning the ladder is very deeply innovative. If the ladder is taking you towards hell, then know that this ladder will be able to raise you towards heaven. You have to change the direction, do not run away. What will be the conversion of the direction?
When you love someone-no one is a mother, a father, a wife, a beloved, a friend, a son, a daughter, whatever you are-the quality of love is one; Whom do you love, this is not a big question. Whenever you love, there are two possibilities. One is that what you want to love, or whom you love, you want to dominate through love, want to owe it. You started descending towards hell. Where love is formed, where love is formed, where love brings suzerainty, love is not there; The journey went wrong. You want to be the owner of what you have loved; Just a mistake. Because whichever owner you become, you made him a slave. And when you make someone a slave, remember, he also made you a slave. Because slavery cannot be unilateral; It is a two -edged edge. Whenever you make someone a slave, you will also become his slave. It may be that you are sitting up on the chest and it is lying down; But neither he can leave you and run away, nor can you run away and run away. Slavery is mutual. You have also been tied to him, which you tied. The bond is never unilateral. If you wanted to dominate, the direction started downwards. To free the one you love; Your love should be liberation for him. As much as you free him, you will find that you are going free, because liberation is also a two -edged sword. When you liberate the people near you, then you are also freeing yourself; Because you have destroyed the solution to make you a slave by what you freed. Whatever you give, you get in the answer. When you abuse, then the abuses rain. When you give flowers, the flowers return. The world resonates. The world is a mirror in which you see your own face in thousand-thousand forms.