Nowadays the problem of high blood pressure (BP) is increasing rapidly. This is not limited to the elderly only, but now the youth are also being affected by it. Poor diet, stress and irregular routines are the main reasons for this. If it is not controlled in time, it can cause heart diseases, stroke and kidney problems. In such a situation, doctors often recommend adopting dash diet.
What is a dash diet?
Dash diet means "Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension"That is, the method of eating to control high BP. The purpose of this diet is to reduce the amount of sodium (salt) in the body and include foods required for a healthy heart. This diet includes green vegetables, fruits, whole grains, pulses and low -fat dairy products prominently. This diet not only controls BP but also keeps the whole body healthy.
What to eat in a dash diet?
Catering in dash diet is selected in such a way that it helps to control BP. According to Dr. Anamika Singh, the dietician of GTB Hospital in Delhi, the amount of sodium and fat in this diet is very low. In addition, plant-based and animal foods are consumed.
Foods involved in dash diet:
Benefits of dash diet
Adopting a dash diet regularly not only improves BP, but it is also helpful in preventing heart problems. Also, it also helps in weight loss and plays an important role in keeping the whole body healthy.