Yoga Poses for Better Sex: The main benefit of yoga - both in and out of the bedroom - is stress reduction. Studies show that regular yoga practice lowers cortisol levels, which reduces stress and improves sex life. Obviously, stress can ruin your sex life.
The benefits of doing yoga are countless. Yoga not only reduces stress but can also help in losing weight, improving digestion and even strengthening your body. In fact, yoga is considered one of the best practices for fitness as well as mindfulness.
Do you know that yoga is also a way to strengthen sex power . It can make you better in terms of sex. Studies show that regular yoga practice can help reduce stress in the body by reducing cortisol levels . Obviously, increased stress can reduce your sexual desire.
Yoga can also help improve overall sexual function and increase your flexibility. It teaches you how to listen to your body, and how to control your mind. It also makes you more aware of the present, which is essential for good sex.
The main benefit of yoga – both in and out of the bedroom – is reducing stress. Studies show that regular yoga practice lowers cortisol levels, which reduces stress and improves sex life. Increased stress can have many negative effects on the body and a decrease in sexual desire is one of them. If you want to reduce stress in your life and increase sexual ability, then you should start doing the yoga asanas mentioned below.
Kapalbhati Pranayama (Energizing breath)According to a 2019 study , this breathing technique can actually 'significantly increase the duration of sexual activity', helping to prolong pleasure for both men and women. To do it, sit up straight with your eyes closed and exhale forcefully through the nose while pulling the stomach in. Focus on the exhale. You can start with one round of 10 exhales and gradually increase the number of exhales as well as the number of rounds, as your ability grows.
Bridge poseThis asana helps strengthen your pelvic muscles which are beneficial for good sex. To perform it, start by lying on your back. Now, bend both knees and keep your feet hip-width apart. Place your arms on the floor with your palms facing the ground. Lift your pelvic region and torso off the ground while keeping your shoulders and head on the floor. Hold for a few seconds and then slowly return to your original position. Repeat a couple of times. Make sure there is no strain on your lower back.
Utthan Pargasana (Lizard pose)Regularly practicing this pose improves blood flow to your sexual organs which can improve your sexual performance. Start on all fours, place one leg in front, clasp your hands inside. Either keep your back knee down, or tuck your toes and lift up. Let your hips drop while keeping your chest up and lower your forearms. Continue breathing steadily for two minutes and release slowly when you're ready.
Anand Balasana (Happy baby)This posture opens up your hips, thighs, and groin allowing you to spread your legs comfortably, making it easier to try different sex positions. First, lie down on your back. Now bend your knees towards your stomach. Reach out to grab your toes with the respective arms, and spread your legs apart while spreading your knees wide. Push your heels upward as you pull down with your hands for the stretch.
Shavasana teaches you to be truly present in the moment. It allows you to relax and feel at peace. Deep breathing brings a deep sense of bliss. Start by lying on your back, with your eyes closed, and legs and arms out to the side. Turn your palms upward toward the sky (or ceiling), soften your breath, and stay for five minutes. This is a great exercise for relaxing your body as well as your mind.
Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always consult your doctor for more information.