Obnews Digital Desk: Just as the color of the leaves is green due to chlorophyll, the leaves are orange-golden in color due to carotenoids and red and pink due to anthocyanin. Trees stop this process in winter. Before winter comes, trees and plants are busy facing autumn.
Falling leaves from trees are part of seasonal development, which is a way of living in winter. Just as energy is needed for humans and animals to survive, similarly trees have to go through the process of photosynthesis for their energy and photosynthesis to survive.
Photosynthesis can only perform green leaves. With the help of chlorophyll present in them, trees and plants absorb the sun. Water and carbon dioxide are converted into sugars. Chlorophyll is important for plants, so trees and plants use it completely. Chlorophyll into small molecules and accumulate in stems.
At the same time, in addition to chlorophyll, red and yellow pigments are also found in the leaves, but chlorophyll becomes effective on both these colors in spring and summer. Due to this, only green color appears in the spring and summer season, while in the months of October-November, chlorophyll starts moving towards the stem and roots and yellow, red color appears.
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The leaves are considered to be more cause of falling. When water freezes in winter, trees do not get enough water for photosynthesis. In such a situation, there is no utility of the leaves, so trees drop their leaves and save their energy. When the temperature starts rising when spring comes. Then chlorophyll stored in the stem also starts coming up. The tree is filled with green leaves. In this way the normal life of the tree starts again. Change of leaves is a biological process for plants.