Post Office Senior Citizens Saving Scheme: Saving is a very important part of people's life. No one knows when someone will need money in life. And at your time of need, your friends, and your relatives may not be of use to you. But the savings made by you come in handy for you. That is why many people already invest in many savings schemes. Many people carry savings plans.
Some people invest in mutual funds, some in fixed deposits, and some in government savings schemes. But if you fall in the category of senior citizens. Then this scheme of the post office can prove to be very effective for you. By investing in this savings scheme, you will get a lot of money every month from interest. Let us tell you about this scheme.
Post Office Senior Citizen Saving Scheme
You need money at every turn of life. Whether it is your youth or when you have become a senior citizen. Sometimes you need it for yourself and sometimes for your loved ones and in sudden needs, neither your friends nor your relatives come in handy. In such a situation, the money saved by you, the savings made by you come in handy.
You have turned 60 years old. And have taken retirement. In such a situation, you are looking for a good plan for savings. Then the Senior Citizen Saving Scheme of the Post Office can prove to be very good for you. Any person above 60 years can invest in this scheme. In this, investment can be started with a minimum of 1 thousand rupees. At the same time, a maximum of 30 lakh rupees can be invested.
More returns than FD
You also get a good interest in the Senior Citizen Saving Scheme of the Post Office. Let us tell you that in general, if you invest in FD, then you get a return at an interest rate of 7% to 7.50%. On the other hand, in the Senior Citizen Saving Scheme, you get an interest rate of 8.2%. Which is more than FD.
Earning will be made from interest every month.
Let us tell you that investment can be made in the Senior Citizen Saving Scheme for 5 years. If you invest Rs 15 lakh in this scheme for 5 years. Then you will get Rs 10,250 every month as interest only. That means you will earn Rs 6,15,000 in 5 years only from interest.