Presidents of all the countries of the world should apologize for their act. This claim has been made by an international organization named 'Hiller Body'. Which act? Apology for what? Hiller Body says that most of the countries of the world have failed to give respect and protection to the dead body.
The heads of nations should apologize to the dead and their families for this mistake.
“Hiller Body” works for the rights and protection of dead bodies in different countries. This organization has been doing this work for the last five decades. Its headquarters is in Vienna. Hiller Body says that in the last two decades, the incidents of heinous crimes against dead bodies have increased a lot. Insults and contempt are happening more now than before.
What kind of insult? Hiller Body claims that the trend of having sex, intercourse with dead bodies has increased overnight. From Asia to Europe and Africa, the trend of mutilating dead bodies has increased everywhere. Where are these incidents happening? Simply put – everywhere. Sometimes on the battlefield, sometimes in ethnic conflicts and even in families.
Shabkam or necrophilia is not a new subject. But what is claimed in the Hiller Body report is shocking. First of all, the incidents of having sex with dead bodies have increased manifold in the last two decades. An increase of almost 900 percent in 10 years. Removing bodies from graves, breaking into mortuaries and even keeping dead bodies at home to satisfy sexual desires has become the work of some people. Most importantly, this trend is beyond country, caste, religion.
Secondly, the incidents of having sex with the dead bodies of the enemy and mutilating them have also increased in the war zone. Russia-Ukraine war, Libya, Pak-Baluch conflict, and Mexican drug conflict – this is happening everywhere. Now there is a demand to legally recognize sex with dead bodies. In 2012, Egypt passed a law on this subject. Since then, this demand has been raised in 6 Muslim majority countries and pressure is increasing on these countries.
And in India? From Hetal Parekh in Kolkata to the Nithari and RG Kar Hospital murder-rape cases – could necrophilia be the common link behind these incidents? A group of experts agree on this. They say that the dead body does not react to sexual stimulation and neither does it offer any resistance. Therefore, there is no restriction on having prolonged, arbitrary sex with the corpse. This is called the “cold abnormal stage”. Necrophiliacs are madly in search of dead bodies just to experience this cold abnormal stage.
In India, sex with a dead body is considered a crime, but it is not considered rape. Last month, a case in this regard came up in the Chhattisgarh High Court. A case was filed under the sections of rape and POCSO against the accused for having sex with the body of a dead minor. The division bench of the Chief Justice of the High Court said in its decision that sex with a dead body is a heinous crime, but it is not rape.
It cannot even be called sexual abuse. The division bench also recommended amendment in the law on this issue. A group of social workers and lawyers have been demanding changes in this law for many years. This issue has been discussed repeatedly in the Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha, but no concrete steps have been taken on it. There seems to be no possibility of making a new law or amending the law.