Vitamin D is a nutrient for our body, which not only makes bones strong, but also handles the health of muscles and joints. However, in today's run -of -the -mill life, vitamin D deficiency is found in most people. This deficiency not only causes joint pain, but also affects mental health and immune system.
It is very important to identify symptoms of vitamin D deficiency, as this problem can take serious form if not treated on time. The most common signs include joints and muscle pain, fatigue, bone weakness, and shocking. Some people also have more sensitivity to irritability or seasonal diseases. These symptoms often develop gradually, so it can be dangerous to ignore them.
Vitamin D deficiency is directly to joint pain. This vitamin helps in the absorption of calcium, which is necessary to strengthen bones. When there is deficiency of vitamin D in the body, calcium is not able to go into bones, which weakens bones and starts joint pain. Researches have shown that vitamin D deficiency can be a major factor in inflammatory diseases like rheumatoid arthritis.
There can be many reasons behind vitamin D deficiency. The most common causes include lack of sunlight, as sun rays are a natural source of vitamin D. Due to urban lifestyle and spending more time indoors, people do not get enough sunlight. In addition, unbalanced diet and some medical conditions can also increase this deficiency.
There are three main methods to overcome vitamin D deficiency: sun rays, diet, and supplements. The easiest and natural method is to come in contact with the rays of the sun. Vitamin D is produced in the body by sitting in the sun for 15-20 minutes a day. It is also beneficial to include foods containing vitamin D like fish, eggs, yogurt, and milk in the diet. If the deficiency is serious, taking supplements on doctor's advice is also an option.