Aparajita plant will bring many flowers in March-April, just put these 2 indigenous manure
News Update March 01, 2025 09:24 AM

Plants with different types of colorful flowering in the house not only adorns the house but also help to pure the atmosphere. Usually rose, marigold, jaggery, Kaner, jasmine and floral plants are found in people's homes. People who have more space in their homes, they convert a part of their house into a garden, and plant various flowering plants there.

People who do not have much space in their homes, they plant various flowers on the balcony or roofs of their houses. Today we will especially talk about Aparajita plant. Aparajita flowers are blue, which look very beautiful, these flowers are used in many ways, many people make tea and drink it. Its flowers are considered beneficial for health.

Aparajita Plant Care

But many people complain that they have planted a plant of Aparajita in their home or garden, but flowers are not blooming in it. If this is happening to you too, then you need to take proper care. First of all, understand that in the summer season, all the flowers bloom in the plants. In such a situation, it is very important to take proper care in this season.

Nutritional deficiency

If seen, beautiful flowers bloom in Aparajita plant from March to April, if you feel that flowers are not blooming in your plants, then the plants may not get the necessary nutrients. Let us understand through this article, how to take care of Aparajita flowers and plants in the summer season so that they increase well.

Use of vermi compost

Vermi compost is considered very good for Aparajita plants, with the help of this manure, the plants get the right nutrition. To use it, first dig the soil around the plant slightly. Then add vermi compost around the roots. Now cover the roots with the help of soil, you can use vermi compost manure in 20-30 days. In a few days, a difference will be seen.

Use of neem cake

Apart from this, neem cake is also considered very beneficial for plants, to use it first to make the plant a jaggery, then mix at least three teaspoons in neem cake soil. You can use it once in 15-20 days, using neem cake never brings insects in plants, plants remain healthy and lots of flowers also bloom.

Keep these things in mind


  • If you want to get a lot of flowers in Aparajita plants, then keep in mind that this plant is not to be kept in the sun for a long time, otherwise the plant can be bad, keep the plant in the shade.
  • It is very important to pruning the plant for good growth, with this you remove the dry and yellow leaves of the plants in at least 20-15 days, remove the dried flowers, and also cut and separate the dry branches. By doing this, the growth of the plant is good.
  • If the Aparajita plant has dried up completely in the winter season, you do not uproot it from the root, wait in the summer season, that plant will start growing itself and will become green, keeping these small things in mind, you can take good care of Aparajita flowers.
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