Skin Care : It is very challenging for women to take special care of the face in the changing season. During this time, the problem of dryness becomes a lot of trouble. To avoid this, women go to the beauty parlor. More and more pockets also loosen. Apart from this, they also use expensive branded products found in the market, but it starts giving chemical reaction after some time. Over time, pimples are reduced, but stains do not go easily.
In today's article, we are going to tell you measures to neem, which can easily eliminate stains on the face due to changing weather pollution and many reasons. By using it, the effect will also be seen in a few days.
Neem is rich in antibacterial, antifungal and antioxidant properties, which reduces stains. It is considered very beneficial for the face. Its regular use can make skin healthy and shiny. The stains on the face can be removed using neem leaves.
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