Did life really exist on Mars? Ex-CIA agent claims 'lost civilization' on Red planet & 'evidence' to prove it
GH News March 04, 2025 06:05 PM
A former CIA 'spy' has revealed that he remotely viewed a long-lost civilization on Mars—one that allegedly perished in a planetary catastrophe over a million years ago.Joe McMoneagle, the CIA’s top "Remote Viewer No. 1," detailed his extraordinary experience on the American Alchemy podcast, recalling how he was handed coordinates and asked to describe what he saw. His mind’s eye, he claims, transported him to an otherworldly scene—an enormous pyramid, dwarfing Egypt’s Great Pyramid of Giza, with "monster rooms inside.""I started getting an image of human beings that were trapped in a place where the atmosphere was turning bad," McMoneagle recounted. "It [was] obvious these people were dying for some reason, but they were humans. They were just twice our size."The experiment's shocking twist came when McMoneagle was shown the target written on a white card: Mars, 1,000,000 BC.McMoneagle, a retired US Army Chief Warrant Officer, wasn't just a government experiment subject—his psychic abilities were instrumental in saving 52 Americans held hostage in Iran in 1979. As part of the CIA's notorious Project Stargate, he and other remote viewers attempted to penetrate the minds of Soviet enemies and uncover hidden intelligence.His Mars session, however, led him down an even more mind-bending path. Intrigued—and frustrated—by the experiment, McMoneagle later stormed into NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, demanding access to negative images of the Martian coordinates he had remote-viewed. What he found left him stunned: photographs depicting bones and structures on the barren landscape.McMoneagle theorized that a "big object passed through our solar system," stripping Mars of its atmosphere and eradicating all life. He described ancient Martian survivors desperately seeking refuge inside the towering pyramids, which he believed were used for hibernation rather than mere shelter."Different chambers... but they're almost stripped of any kind of... furnishing or anything. It’s like... strictly functional, a place for sleeping—or that’s not a good word—hibernation, some form," McMoneagle recalled.During the session, he was directed to another location on Mars, where he saw shadowy figures—"very tall, thin" beings wearing strange clothing. He also witnessed a raging storm tearing through the landscape, confirming that Mars was once a hostile but habitable world.Determined to validate his visions, McMoneagle confronted a NASA staffer, presenting the coordinates he had viewed. The casual yet chilling response?"Oh, this is the old city on Mars."NASA provided McMoneagle with negatives that revealed a pyramid-shaped structure on the edge of a massive impact crater—one he believes must have been constructed after the crater formed. "If it was there [before], it would have been blown away," he reasoned.Adding to the enigma, McMoneagle alleged that when NASA first identified this structure, it emitted a mysterious red light. "They’re not hiding [this information], they’re just not talking about it," he claimed.As McMoneagle’s session progressed, he described a harrowing last-ditch effort by some Martians to escape their doomed planet."They’re very philosophic about it," he relayed from his vision. "They’re looking for a way to survive, and they just can’t."One of these ancient beings purportedly told him that a group had left Mars in what appeared to be a massive spacecraft. When instructed to "follow" them through his remote viewing, McMoneagle found himself observing a strange, volatile world with towering volcanoes, pockets of gas, and bizarre plant life—a place that, despite its hostility, appeared more habitable than the dying Mars they had fled."It’s very much like going from the frying pan into the fire," he described.Eventually, the experiment administrator called him back, ending the session.McMoneagle’s revelations, though astonishing, remain unverified. Even he admitted frustration over the lack of "ground truth" to prove his findings."I hate doing a target where I cannot prove ground truth because then I don't know if it's real or I'm inventing it," he said. "I can't actually sit there and say this is exactly 100 percent correct."Also read: First website launched to track Hinduphobia on college campuses in US, UK, Canada and Australia
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