According to Ayurveda, excessive leanness or cultivation is a condition that is not considered healthy. In the ancient Ayurvedic texts, both extremely thick and extremely thin body is placed in the blasphemous category. In fact, leanness is not a disease, rather it is the result of false diet and unreasonable lifestyle.
The natural functioning of the body is affected due to excessive thinness, which can cause a person to suffer from various diseases. Lanish individuals have low immunity, making them more sensitive to infection and other health problems. In Ayurveda, thinness is seen to be associated with excess of vata dosha, and in its treatment special attention is paid to balanced Vata.
According to Ayurveda, the main cause of thinness is an inappropriate diet. Therefore, to increase weight, first the necessary changes are required to make necessary changes. In Ayurveda, a diet is recommended to calm Vata dosha and increase the vitality (vitality) in the body.
Thin individuals should include affectionate substances like ghee, milk, butter, cheese, almonds, walnuts in their diet. Apart from this, the intake of nutritious foods like wheat, rice, urad dal, moong dal, potato, sweet potato, banana, mango, grapes is also beneficial.
In Ayurveda, it is advisable to take Ashwagandha powder with milk. This brings strength and confirmation in the body. In addition, the intake of herbs like asparagus, Vidarikand, and Bala is also helpful in weight gain. Drinking one teaspoon of ghee and a little honey in a glass of warm milk before going to bed at night also makes the body strong.
There are many medicines in Ayurveda that promote metal (tissue) manufacture in the body and are helpful in weight gain. Some of these major drugs are:
Chavanprash: It is a traditional Ayurvedic chemical that increases the body's immunity and improves overall health. It should be taken in one spoonful of in the morning on an empty stomach in the morning.
Ashwagandharishta: It is an Ayurvedic tonic that reinforces the body and balances the vata dosha. It should be taken by mixing 15-20 ml of water after meals twice daily.
Balarishta: It provides strength and energy in the body. It should be taken in the quantity of 15-20 ml twice daily.
Ashwagandha Churna: Taking 3-5 grams of 3-5 grams of milk daily in the morning and evening is confirmed by the body and increases weight.
Physical exercise in Ayurveda is considered an important part of health. Proper exercise and yoga is very beneficial for lean individuals. They not only make the body strong, but also improve digestion, so that the body is able to receive more nutrients than food.
There are some useful yogasanas for lean persons:
Surya Namaskar: It exercises all the parts of the body and improves overall health.
Sethubandana: This asana improves digestion and increases blood circulation in the body.
Bhujangasana: This asana makes the abdominal muscles strong and increases appetite.
Pawanmuktasana: This asana removes digestive problems and balances Vata Dosha.
Apart from these asanas, light weight lifting exercises are also helpful in strengthening the body's muscles and gaining weight. However, excessive exercise should be avoided, as it costs more calories and efforts to gain weight can fail.
According to Ayurveda, it is necessary to follow the routine (daily routine) and seasonal routine for a healthy body. There are some important lifestyle suggestions for lean persons:
Eat regular times: Digestion is affected by irregular food and the body is unable to accept nutrients properly. Therefore, food should be eaten at regular time.
Get enough sleep: Lack of sleep increases the vata dosha in the body, which is a major cause of thinness. Therefore, adequate sleep of 7-8 hours daily should be taken daily.
Avoid stress: Stress increases the vata dosha in the body and affects digestion. Therefore, meditation, pranayama and other stress-riding techniques should be practiced.
Abhyang (oil massage): Regular massage of sesame or coconut oil on the body calms the vata dosha and reaches the skin, which strengthens the body.