Telegram has been blocked in two regions of Russia. The Digital Development Minister here said that there are concerns that this app can be used by enemies. Therefore, this app has been blocked in Dagestan and Chechnya, Muslim-dominated areas of southern Russia. The local administration has said that this decision can be withdrawn in the future. However, during this time it has asked people to use other social media apps.
Old incident cited
Dagestan's Digital Development Minister Yuri Gamzatev said that Telegram is usually used by enemies. The riots at Makhachkala Airport are an example of this. Let us tell you that in these riots that took place in October 2023, hundreds of protesters entered the airport to attack a plane coming from Israel. The matter of relief was that no passenger was hurt in this. After this, the administration took strict action against many protesters. This riot started from a Telegram channel, in which people were incited to violence.
Telegram condemned the violence.
Telegram condemned the riots at the airport and said that it was going to block the concerned channel. Now there has been no response from Telegram on the decision of the local administration to ban. Let us tell you that Pavel Durov, the founder of the Telegram app, which has about one billion users worldwide, was born in Russia. Russia also tried to ban Telegram in 2018, but this decision could not be implemented. After this, the Russian government also pressured Telegram to hand over the user data.