You go to buy something in the market. So buy it on its MRP itself. Many times you pay less when you get a discount. But never pay more than MRP. Because MRP is the maximum retail value of anything. No shopkeeper can charge more than you.
India MRP was made mandatory under the Consumer Act 2006 in India. But many times there are complaints that shopkeepers are selling goods to customers at a higher rate than MRP. And if someone does this with you, then you can complain to such shopkeepers. How and where to complain. Let us tell you.
If a shopkeeper in India sells goods at a higher rate than MRP. So this is a crime. But many consumers ignore these things. However, this should not be done. The Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution has also been made for consumer rights in India. If a shopkeeper is charging more than MRP from you, then you can file a complaint with the National Consumer Forum.
A national helpline number has been released by the National Consumer Forum. On which anyone can call and file a complaint in such cases. The complaint of shopkeepers can be made by calling the helpline number 1800-11-4000 of the National Consumer Firm. Along with this, you can also register your complaint online by visiting the official website of Consumer
To complain to the shopkeepers charging more than the MRP, first you have to go to the official website After this you have to first sign up here. And then login with your email ID/registration number and password.
Then after this you will be able to register your complaint. To file a complaint, you have to provide complete information about the product. Along with this, information about the shopkeeper will have to be recorded. It will also include the name and address of his shop. He will also have to upload the documents with it. If your complaint is found correct, action will be taken against the shopkeeper concerned.