If you are troubled by joint pain and are not getting any benefit from expensive medicines or market oils, then this home recipe can prove beneficial for you. Knee and joint pain becomes a common problem with aging, but it is not easy to face pain.
Garlic, nutmeg and giloy are considered extremely beneficial in Ayurveda. This oil is cheap, effective and completely natural. It can be easily made at home and regular use provides relief from pain.
Method of making garlic oil (Homemade Garlic Oil Recipe)
Follow the simple steps below to make garlic oil at home:
250 ml mustard oil
10-12 garlic buds (cod)
2 nutmeg (cod)
50-60 grams of giloy (small pieces of dry stalk)
Method of making:
1 Heat mustard oil on low flame.
2 add garlic, nutmeg and giloy to it.
3 3, let it cook on low flame for about 1 hour, so that all medicinal properties come in oil.
4 When the oil is cooked well, let it cool down.
5, now filter this oil and fill it in a glass vial.
How to use garlic oil correctly?
क्या Massage this oil for 5-7 minutes before going to bed at night. Apply it on the joints and knees by heating it lightly, it will make a quick effect.
क्या will start getting relief from pain by using continuously for 1 week.
Why is garlic oil effective?
According to Ayurveda specialist Dr. Abrar Multani, garlic is a natural pain reliever. The vitamins, anti-bacterial and antifungal properties present in it remove many health problems. Eating it raw also provides relief in joint pain.
Why are nutmeg and giloy beneficial? Nutmeg has anti-inflammatory properties, which help reduce muscles and bone pain.
Giloy is an excellent Ayurvedic medicine, which is rich in anti-viral and pain relieving properties.
Regular massage of knees and joints with this oil provides rapid relief in swelling and pain.
If you are troubled by knees and joint pain, then this oil made of garlic, nutmeg and giloy can be a great home remedy for you. This oil works completely natural, cheap and without any side effects. Massaging at night provides quick relief in pain and continuous use strengthens bones.
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