India Hits massive JACKPOT, Country’s Foreign Exchange Reserve increases by Rs 1332512720000, its weekly increase equals Pakistan’s…
GH News March 16, 2025 01:06 PM

New Delhi: India experienced a remarkable surge in its foreign exchange reserves over the past week. For the week ending March 7 the reserves saw a substantial increase of USD 15.26 billion. This comes in contrast to the previous week ending February 28 when the reserves had declined by USD 1.78 billion. Pakistan also witnessed a surge in its foreign exchange reserves during the same week. However the total foreign exchange reserves of Pakistan are roughly equal to the amount by which Indias reserves increased last week.
Significant Rise in Foreign Exchange Reserves
The data released by the Reserve Bank of India reveals that Indias foreign exchange reserves saw a massive increase of USD 15.267 billion during the week ending March 7 2025. In contrast during the previous week ending February 28 2025 the reserves had declined by USD 1.781 billion. With this rise in the foreign exchange Indias total reserves have now reached USD 653.966 billion. Notably the reserves had previously touched their all-time high of $704.885 billion during the week ending September 27 2024.
Increase in FCA
According to the weekly data released by the Reserve Bank Indias Foreign Currency Assets (FCA) have increased during the week under review. In the week ending March 7 2025 Indias Foreign Currency Assets (FCAs) rose by USD 13.933 billion. With this increase the FCA reserves have now reached $557.282 billion. It is noteworthy that Foreign Currency Assets (FCA) constitute a significant portion of the countrys total foreign exchange reserves. The fluctuations in non-US currencies such as the Euro Pound and Yen are also factored into the foreign currency assets which are expressed in US dollars.
Gold Reserves Also Increased
Indias gold reserves also saw an increase last week. According to the Reserve Bank during the week ending on March 7 2025 Indias gold reserves grew by USD 1.053 billion. With this increase the total gold reserves have now reached USD 74.325 billion.