Hanuman ji is worshiped in Hinduism as the god of power, courage, devotion and crisis prevention. His various mantras and hymns provide protecting devotees from negative forces. One of them is “Hanuman ji's reverse armor”Which is famous for ending enemy obstruction and all kinds of negativity in life. This mantra is considered extremely impressive and gives miraculous results when chanting by the right method.
The Ultari Kavach was provided by Mahadev to Hanuman ji, especially Defensive armor serves as. Any kind of any kind on the person who practice it Black powers, ghosts, negative energy and side effects of enemies There is no effect of By chanting this armor regularly, a person gets mental peace and increases his self -confidence.
If you are constantly facing enemy obstacles in life or you feel that someone is interrupting your progress, then this reverse armor of Hanuman ji can solve all your troubles. This mantra Security from negative energy and evil eyes Provides and helps in bringing success and prosperity in life.
It is necessary to chant this mantra with the right method to make this mantra effective.
In the scriptures, Hanuman ji has been called a troubleshooter, who can solve all the problems of his devotees. The reverse armor is mentioned in various ancient texts, where it Destroyer of enemies and protection shield Has been described as.
Hanuman ji's vomiting armor is a powerful defense shield, which is incredible results when chanting in the right method. If you are troubled by enemy barrier, negative energy or any kind of evil eye, then chant this mantra. This will solve your problems and bring progress in life.
1. How long should Hanuman ji's vomiting armor be chanting?
Answer: It is beneficial to chant this mantra regularly, but it is particularly effective to do it for at least 21 or 41 days.
2. Is this mantra suitable for all people?
Answer: Yes, any person can chant this mantra with reverence and faith.
3. Which is the most auspicious day of this mantra?
Answer: Chanting this mantra on Tuesday and Saturday gives special benefits.
4. Can this mantra be chanting at home?
Answer: Yes, this mantra can be chanting at a holy place at home.
5. Should some special rules follow during chanting mantra chanting?
Answer: Yes, eat satvic food during chanting, avoid negative thoughts and have full devotion.