If you also dream of going to office with your car and have also jugged to fulfill it. Have been juggled, meaning money has been arranged to buy a car. Still, your dream of taking a car can be a dream. Like the song of Om Shanti Om film, 'Chhan' Broken Sapna Sapna Jagin-Suna Lage Moment can be with you. If you do not have a parking space. Yes, you will not be able to buy a car without parking space.
The Chennai Unified Metropolitan Authority of Chennai, the capital of Tamil Nadu, has issued a new rule, according to which if you go to buy a car, you have a place to park the car. It has to be provided. If you are unable to do, you will not be able to buy a car either. Cumta has taken this decision to reduce the jam and encourage people through more and more public trunsports. The government had given information in the Madras High Court last year regarding this rule.
Regarding the new parking policy, Cumta Secretary I Jayakumar said that people buy many vehicles, but they have a limited space of parking. In such a situation, he leaves the car on the road, due to which the road gets jammed.
After bringing the rule on off street parking in Chennai, the government is working towards implementing residential parking permit system. Through this, people will be allotted space for parking on wide roads. Under this system, those people who do not have parking slots will be available.