Down Syndrome Baby : It is always very important to take care of health. There are many rounds in every person's life, which help to improve him and take care of him in that era. In the life of women, after marriage, there is a moment of becoming a mother, where the life of the woman changes. From pregnancy, women are required to take better care of health.
Many times if you do not take precautions during pregnancy, then the health of the child is negatively affected. Here you must have taken information about down baby syndrome, what are the mistakes during pregnancy that works to increase the disease.
Let me tell you that the down baby syndrome is a kind of genetic disorder that is born in the womb of women and the main reason can be some mistakes of parents. Actually, extra chromosome is found in the cells of the child's body in this disorder. Every human has 23 pair chromosomes, but children affected by Down syndrome have an extra copy of the 21st chromosome. Mental and physical growth affects.
Let me tell you that, the mistakes made during pregnancy increase the risk of Down syndrome disease, let's know about it…
1. Pregnancy at an older age
If the woman is more than 35 years of age, then there is a higher risk of down syndrome. The quality of eggs starts decreasing with aging, which increases the risk of genetic disorder.
2 Family history ignored
If there are already cases of down syndrome in the family, then the doctor should get genetic counseling done. Many times this problem can also occur due to genetic reasons. In such a situation, negligence should be avoided.
3. Over age to become a father
Not only the age of the mother, but the father's age can also increase the risk of down syndrome. According to research, men over 40 years of age have a higher possibility of genetic mutation in sperm, which can cause chromosomal abnormality in the child.
4. Coming in contact with radiation and toxin
If women are exposed to radiation or harmful chemicals during pregnancy, it can lead to genetic changes in the child's cells. Therefore, one should avoid going to more such places in pregnancy.
5. Unhealthy lifestyle in pregnancy
If the mother does not take proper nutrition during pregnancy or consumes harmful things, then the development of the fetus can be affected. This can cause genetic disturbances.
Drinking alcohol-cigarettes in pregnancy, junk food and unbalanced diet, folic acid and lack of essential nutrients can cause this disease.
6. Coming in contact with radiation and toxin
If women are exposed to radiation or harmful chemicals during pregnancy, it can lead to genetic changes in the child's cells. Therefore, one should avoid going to more such places in pregnancy.
7. Do not get health checkup before pregnancy
If a woman is suffering from a chronic disease such as diabetes, high blood pressure or thyroid and is not being treated properly, it may increase the risk of chromosomal disorder in the child.
How to protect from down syndrome
The correct age of pregnancy is considered 25 to 30 years, during this time make a baby plan.
If there is already any genetic disease in the family, then get the test done first.
Take care of folic acid and nutrition. For this, please consult a doctor.
Avoid smoking, alcohol and intoxication.
Avoid radiation and toxin. Stay away from pollution.
Keep an eye on blood sugar, blood pressure and hormonal balance.