Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC) has announced the UPPSC RO/ARO Exam Date on its official website. Now it is time for preparation. In such a situation, candidates have many questions in their minds about the syllabus and pattern of the exam. Let us try to understand how the paper will come in the exam.
There will be two papers in the UPPSC RO/ARO preliminary examination, in which the first paper will be General Studies and the second will be General Hindi. The General Studies paper will include the History of India, the Indian National Movement, Politics, Economy, Culture, Geography, Environment, Science, Contemporary Events, and Special Topics of Uttar Pradesh.
At the same time, in the General Hindi paper, questions related to antonyms, improvement in sentence structure, one-word replacement, synonyms, adjectives, and grammar will be asked. This exam will be of a total of 200 marks and will have objective questions.
Three papers in the main exam
The first paper will be of General Studies, in which, like the preliminary examination, questions will be asked on Indian history, national movement, politics, economy, culture, and local issues of Uttar Pradesh.
The second paper will be in general Hindi and drafting, which will include essay writing, letter writing, translation, and grammar-based questions.
The third paper will be based on a Hindi essay, in which candidates will have to write essays on social, political, economic, cultural, and contemporary topics. To test their practical knowledge of the Hindi language, candidates will have to identify language style and grammatical errors.
The interview will be held on success
Candidates who will be successful in both the preliminary and main examination will be called for interview. During the interview, the personality, knowledge and common sense of the candidate will be evaluated. There is no prescribed syllabus for the interview, but the candidate should be prepared for contemporary events and general questions related to his subject.
How to prepare
Candidates should make a detailed plan to prepare for the exam. Regularly reading newspapers, solving previous years' question papers and giving mock tests can prove to be useful. Also, it is also important to be aware of current affairs and matters related to Uttar Pradesh. Preparation with good study material and efficient time management increases the chances of success.
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