Many times the notifications bother a lot at the time of sleeping time or getting busy in work. Many times, even at the time of watching a movie or listening to the song, there is a lot of notifications. Due to which sometimes irritation starts. Now if you stop the notification completely, then you will not be able to get the update. But you can close some things. Which will reduce your problem. Follow this process given below. After this, you will be able to calm your phone in busy time.
For this, you just have to go to the setting of your smartphone. After going to the setting, go to the option of notification. Here you will have an option show of app notification. Click on the app notification. Now click on the app for which you have to close the notification. For example, if you click on Instagram, then you will have togle shows of notifications of every section. Those you must have kept.
It contains all the togle enables like notifications, comments, direct request, comment likes, stories etc. of direct messages. It is not necessary to get the updates of all these. Which notifications bother you more, you can close its togle.
If you want, you can also stop notifications of YouTube like Instagram. In which you can decide yourself which notifications you have to close which notifications to keep on. You can close any notifications one by one.
In the notification Santting, you get the control to discontinue the selected notification of all the apps. With the help of which you can get updates of only those notifications which are needed. You can rebuild these toals again whenever you want.