Nowadays smartphone has become an essential part of our life. We use smartphones for many tasks daily. For education, social media, gaming, and connectivity to each other. But an important part of the smartphone which we often ignore. That phone battery is health. Do you know that the battery health of the phone does not only affect the performance of the phone. It also affects the recylers (second hand price) of the phone. Let's understand what battery health is. How does this affect the recylers of the phone.
Battery health means what condition the battery of your smartphone is. As you use the phone and charge the battery, its capacity starts decreasing. Battery Health tells how much the maximum capacity of your battery is left. For example, when you bought the phone, your phone's battery health was 100 percent. But now it has become 80 percent. So this means that the battery has been reduced by 20 percent from its original capacity.
To check the battery health, you have to go to the Settings of the phone. After this, click on the option of battery or battery health. It is given in both iOS and Android. If you click on maximum capacity, then you will get a battery health show.
Battery has a direct impact on the performance of the health smartphone. When the health of the battery is bad, the phone may be discharged quickly. It may take time to charge. Sometimes the phone can also be closed. This can also spoil your mobile using experience. Not only this, the necessary battery replacement can also increase. Which costs more. If the health of the battery is not good, then the performance of the entire phone is affected.
Recycle value of the phone means when you sell your old phone. The value you get in exchange for selling the phone to someone else. Battery health directly affects this resale value.
If the battery health of your phone is good (around 100%), then its price can be higher. In such a situation, the buyer feels that the battery life of the phone is good. He will not need to replace the battery. But if the battery health is low (eg 70-80%), it means that the buyer may have to change the battery in the future. After buying it, he will have to bear more expenses. This can reduce the resale value of the phone.
Use battery saver mode, so that the battery lasts long. Keep the software update of the phone. Battery optimization may improve in new updates. Always use original charger.