These two working girls get sterile after marriage before marriage, there is no child all ages
Sandy Verma March 25, 2025 09:24 AM


  • Shocking revelations in research – These two habits can make girls sterile before marriage.
  • Scientists stated the reasons – hormonal imbalance and fertility in the body have a profound effect.
  • Mistakes to modern lifestyle and food are becoming the main reason.
  • This serious crisis can be avoided by taking care in time.
  • Advice of experts – Adopting these habits before marriage can get a solution.

What does research say?

Today's run -of -the -mill life and changing lifestyle are having a serious impact on women's health. Recently one Scientific research It has been revealed in some Wrong habits Women Sterileness Can push towards (infertility). If girls adopt these two habits before marriage, then you can have a dream for them.

This research Harvard medical school And Council of Indian Medical Research (ICMR) With a joint effort of, thousands of women were studied. Research found that women whose women These two bad habits I was interested in them after marriage Fertility There was a huge decline in.

1. Consumption of Contraceptive Pills

How to harm birth control pills?

Many women nowadays Unwanted pregnancy To avoid, Birth Control Pills are excessively consumed. Although these pills temporarily Periods regulate Do and Pregnancy Helps in women, but more use of women Fertility But negative effects may be.

🔹 What happens by excessive intake of birth control pills?
✔ in the body Estrogen And Progesterone Like hormones become unbalanced.
The functionality of the ovaries gradually starts decreasing.
क्या करनेt by using long -term birth control pills Ovulation The process of (ovulation) is interrupted.
✔ It becomes difficult for women to conceive in future.

Expert advice:
🔸 Do not take birth control pills for a long time without doctor's advice.
🔸 Follow natural contraceptive measures, such as Safe period method And Use of condom
🔸 Adopt healthy diet and yoga to maintain hormone balance.

2. Excessive alcohol and smoking addiction

How does fertility decrease with smoking and alcohol?

Before marriage, some women get into party lifestyle and Alcohol and Smoking They start consuming. This addiction is only their Physical health Not to reproductive system Also causes deep damage to.

🔹 What is caused by smoking and alcohol?
✔ Production of eggs is affected, causing Ovulation problem Might be possible.
क्याना To accumulate toxins (toxins) in the body Probability of conception Reduces by 50%.
क्या Smoking Fallopian tubes (Fallopian tubes) may have blockage, so that the eggs and sperm are not able to meet.
क्या excessive alcohol intake by increasing hormone imbalance Danger of miscarriage Can increase

Expert advice:
🔸 Stay away from alcohol and smoking, especially if you are planning to have children in future.
🔸 To detox the body Lemonade, Green Tea and Herbal Drinks Eat
🔸 Include yoga and meditation in your routine so that Mental stress Be away and keep hormone balance.

If you in future Plan to become mother If you are making, then it is important to take care of some important things from now on.

✔ Take a balanced diet: Eat food containing vitamins C, D and iron.
✔ Do physical activity: Make a habit of regular yoga, exercise and walking.
✔ Choose the right age for conception: The age of 25-30 is considered to be the most suitable.
✔ Consult a doctor: Be sure to consult a female health expert once before marriage.

1. Can birth control pills cause completely sterility?

  • No, but their use for a long time can affect fertility.

2. Can women who smoke before marriage become a mother?

  • Yes, but from smoking Probability of conception May be reduced. So it is better to leave it as soon as possible.

3. Can leaving these habits return fertility?

  • Yes, if lifestyle changes at the right time Fertility improvement It is possible.

4. Does light intake of alcohol also affect fertility?

  • Yes, drinking alcohol can cause hormone imbalance.

5. Can Ayurvedic measures increase fertility?

  • Yes, Ayurvedic remedies like Ashwagandha, Asparagus and White Musli are helpful in increasing fertility.

Some wrong habits adopted before marriage Fertility of women Can harm and in future Causes of sterility Can be made. That is why if you are planning to become a mother, then Stay away from things like birth control pills, smoking and alcohol

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