Major banks like SBI, IDBI Bank, Indian Bank, HDFC Bank and Punjab & Sind Bank have come up with special FD schemes. These schemes have different interest rates for general investors, senior citizens and super senior citizens, which vary depending on the period and category.
March 31, 2025 is the last date till which you can avail these attractive interest rates. Let us know which banks’ special FD schemes can be beneficial for you.
If you want to invest in SBI, then you will get great interest rates in this special FD scheme of “444 days”:
7.25% interest to general citizens
7.75% interest to senior citizens
The last date to avail this scheme is 31 March 2025.
This is another special tenure FD scheme, which has a duration of “400 days”. The interest rates in this are as follows:
7.10% for general citizens
7.60% for senior citizens
Investment in this scheme can be made till 31 March 2025.
This special FD scheme of IDBI Bank pays interest according to different maturity periods.
The last date to invest in this scheme is 31 March 2025.
Indian Bank’s FD schemes called IND Supreme (300 days) and IND Super (400 days) are offering up to 8.05% interest to super senior citizens.
The last date to invest in this special FD scheme is March 31, 2025.
HDFC Bank is also running a special FD scheme, which is going to end soon.
General investors will get 7.35% interest on FDs with a tenure of 35 months.
Senior citizens will get a benefit of 7.85%, which will help them grow their savings further.