There is more than one visitable place in India. If we talk about roaming the world, then you will see more than one sample thing. Most people visit the beach. For tourists, this view is not less than paradise. The beach is usually golden, white, or black sand, but today we will tell you about four such Samudri beaches where the sand is quite different. Tourists come here to see.
Today, we are going to tell you about the five beaches of the world where the color of the sand is green. The main reason for this is olivin. It is a mineral that is born from vvolcanoes
The first beach in this list is Papakolaa Beach, which is located at the South Point of Ireland among Hawaii. It is also called Green Sand Beach. Tourists have to walk 2.7 miles to reach here. The sand here is green because the volcanic explosion occurred here about 50,000 years ago, since then its color has been green.
In addition, Talfopho Beach, located on thesoutheastt coast of Guam, is also famous worldwide due toits green sand. Tourists keep coming and going here throughout the whole year. The beautiful view here captivates the minds of the people.
In addition, Punta Carmorant Beach is also known for green sand, which is located on the island of Florena of the Galapagos Islands. Here the green color comes from Olivin mineral. This beach has been included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Site, where tourists keep coming for the whole year.
Norway's Hornindalaswatnet is a deep lake in Europe. However, it is not a beach but a lake. Green sand is found here. Please tell that this lake is 4000 meters deep. The creen color here is a mixture of olivin and glacial silt.