Parenting Tips: Discipline is the first lesson of human life that all parents teach their children. It plays an important role in the good development of children. However, sometimes children's misbehavior like shouting at small things, crying at any time and place, unnecessary destruction etc. often embarrasses the parents.

Due to this, whatever energy the child has is wasted in the wrong place. Also, due to this behavior, their self-image starts deteriorating from the very beginning. In such a situation, instead of shouting and scolding the children for their behavior, parents should sympathize with them and explain to them. Let us know what tips can be adopted for better guidance of such children.

Control yourself
If your child is throwing tantrums or misbehaving, instead of getting angry at them, stay calm and ask them to understand the reason for their problem and find a solution.

Don't discipline your child when you're upset yourself
If you yourself are troubled by a problem and then want to explain it to your child, then in such a situation you may make mistakes, so it would be better if you give yourself some time and then explain it to your child. Explain with a cool mind.

Reassure your child
Explain to your child that you understand that something is bothering them, but the topic needs to be discussed calmly. This will make them realize that there is a problem but the way they are expressing it is wrong.

Educate yourself,
For the better development of children, be a part of weekly meetings, parent study classes, respite care camps and make people around you aware about it. By doing this, a good society can be built and politeness also develops in children.

Teach about safety
Everyone has the right to be safe in any situation, teach this to your children. This will help them understand the difference between right and wrong. Doing this will develop a sense of staying away from criminal activities in the child.

Do not put pressure on the child
If your child insists on doing something, instead of punishing him, participate in his work. Then tell him the advantages and disadvantages of doing this work.