Be cautious if there are teenagers at home: Teenager Parenting
News Update September 17, 2024 03:24 AM

Teenager Parenting: Whether the children are teenagers or very young, their safety is a big challenge today. Some suggestions regarding this-

They want the latest fashion watch and the latest model bike. Sometimes they get upset with a pimple on their skin and sometimes they go miles away to get a haircut. There is an open sky of information in front of them. In this age of communication revolution, they know and understand more than you. Their exposure is more than you and their maturity is more than their age.

The demand for a watch – Munshi Premchand

It is difficult to understand whether growing children should be treated like adults or children. In many cases, they themselves feel that they are adults and at times, they themselves behave like children.
This is called adolescence. At this age, physical, mental and emotional changes take place and due to hormonal changes, teenagers become sensitive.
Psychiatrist Shri Sushil says that in teenage, boys are often attracted towards their mothers and girls towards their fathers. There is also a lot of curiosity about physical changes at this age. These teenagers search for new information and sometimes get confused by wrong information.
Yes, these are our own children and we need to take some precautions while dealing with them, so you too should be careful.

Due to hormonal changes, teenagers become very emotional. They get very angry over small things. The reward and punishment theory of childhood does not work on them anymore. They have to be explained. If parents also resort to anger, then children will become more unruly. The relationship between children and parents will deteriorate. The only solution to this is to explain with love.

If children are too lost in thoughts, it is possible that they have become victims of depression or are becoming victims of harassment. Any abnormal activity is indicative of a sick mental state. Talk to the children and find out the reason, otherwise seek the help of a psychiatrist.

All teenagers are sensitive about their looks, but if your child is spending a lot of time on it, he may have a special friend, like a girlfriend or boyfriend. Attraction towards the opposite sex is natural, but overdoing it can make the child lag behind in studies. Explain to him the importance of studies lovingly.

When teenagers are on the threshold of youth, there is no question of laziness. If they are lazy, check whether they have become a victim of any kind of addiction. Family counselor Mrs. Kanchan says that their belongings should be checked from time to time. If you find any unwanted thing, do ask questions.

If the child argues with you on every issue, then you should improve your approach. Stop interrupting him too much. Try to understand his point of view as well.

It is good to sit alone, but if a teenager sits alone in his/her room for hours and keeps the door closed, then check whether he/she is watching porn websites. Solitude encourages all kinds of crimes. In the name of privacy, do not let them sit alone for too long. Keep coming and going in the room in between.

Many children get interested in playing games, surfing or buying products on the internet. It is fine if a little time is spent on it, but excessive internet surfing is harmful for the eyes and health. Some children waste money by buying unnecessary things while shopping. So be strict with them right from the beginning.

Friends are good, but spending all the time with them leads to wastage of time, fear of addictions and distance from studies. Try to spend time with their friends so that they too share everything with you.

If teenage siblings fight a lot at home, it is possible that they feel your behavior is biased or some wrong thing has taken root in their mind. Maintain harmony between the siblings and explain things to them with love. Make your behavior transparent too.

If a teenager suddenly starts bringing expensive things home, check whether he has developed any bad habit or not. Ask him lovingly, explain to him, and if he does not listen, scold him as well.
Psychologists believe that one should be cautious as soon as one sees any unusual symptom or habit. Eliminate evil from its roots, otherwise one may have to regret it for the rest of one's life. The first home of crime is the human brain.
It is just a matter of being a little conscious and then see how your teenagers become your best friends.

stay alert with teenagers at home
stay alert with teenagers at home

*Consider teenage children as friends. Be friendly with them.
*Do not impose your orders on them.
*Listen to them too. Try to understand their point of view.

*Take care of their friends. Break friendship with friends who have bad habits.

  • *Keep a note of time for commuting to and from coaching. Do not give too much relaxation. Innocent minds cross the limits of relaxation and then crime or accident takes birth.
    *Stay in touch with them. Parents should know the whereabouts of their teens, their arrival and departure times, and their places.
    *Give them lots of love, but don't give in to unreasonable demands. You can be a good parent by being a little strict. After all, they are your children and after some time they will understand that you were saying all this for their own good.
  • If parents themselves smoke or drink, do not involve teenagers in it. They may also get attracted to bad habits if they come in contact with activities like ordering soda, bringing lighter, etc.
    *While explaining things to the child, do not differentiate between your words and actions, otherwise you will not be able to set a good example.
  • Retired head of the psychiatry department Dr Chandrashekhar believes that if the thinking of teenagers is made positive, then stress and depression will stay away from them. They will be saved from bad habits like suicide, murder, drug addiction.
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