Mobile Addiction: If you want to get rid of using mobile for hours, then enable this setting in the phone…
News Update September 30, 2024 09:24 PM

Mobile Addiction: Nowadays the use of smartphones has increased so much that many times we do not even realize it, and we do not even realize when hours pass. Pick up the phone for a minute, but when you put it down you realize that a lot of time has passed. This addiction of using mobile for hours has become a part of many people's lives. If you are also troubled by this addiction, then it is very important to change this habit, because it can have a negative impact on health and mental peace.

Luckily, there is a setting that if you enable in your phone, you can control the excessive use of your smartphone. Let us know about this setting, which can help in reducing your mobile addiction.

Why is this setting special?

This setting can be very helpful for Android smartphone users. Using this you can decide for how long you have to use which app. For example, if you set a time limit of one hour on an app, after one hour the app will notify you that your time limit has expired. You can use this feature the most for social media apps, which are the most time-wasting. (How to escape from mobile addiction)

How to enable this setting?

Follow these steps to turn on this setting:

go to settings

First of all, open your phone's settings and search “Digital Wellbeing and Parental Controls”.

click on

Click on this option. Here you will get information about how long you are using which apps throughout the day.

Tap on App Limits option

You will get an option “App Limits”, on which you have to click.

Choose from the list of apps

Now the list of all the apps will appear in front of you. Click on the app for which you want to set a timer.

set timer

Now click on “App Timer” and set the time as per your choice and tap on “Okay”.

What will be the benefit?

After enabling this setting, you will be able to use that app only for the time you have set the timer. As soon as the time is up, the app will warn you by sending a notification, and the app will close. If you want to use the app again, you'll need to reset the timer again. This will prevent you from wasting your unnecessary time on mobile and will help you maintain a healthy digital lifestyle.

By adopting this feature, you can control your smartphone addiction to a great extent, and will be able to utilize your time properly. (How to escape from mobile addiction)

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