Childhood: Childhood does not want to live in captivity but wants to fly freely.
Rahul Tiwari October 07, 2024 02:21 PM

There are different age stages in life, but childhood is a time which is full of joy and carelessness. Even small things of childhood give us a lot of happiness. Young children find and enjoy happiness and joy in everything. For example, when children come from school, they enjoy riding their small bicycles, but when these children grow up, they are not able to enjoy the small bicycles of their childhood even in big cars. Today's children play games through phone games or other digital tools, but the real games of childhood have been forgotten somewhere. Sometimes the parents are also at fault.

made lazy and irritable

Most of the parents do not allow their children to play in soil etc. and say that you will stumble or they say that you will get infection from this soil, but on the contrary, if the child plays with soil then his body parts get damaged. Are. Remains open and he becomes agile but we have made children lazy and irritable by involving them in digital games. Sometimes it seems that we have shortened the childhood of children because now we start sending children to school at the age of two and a half to three years. We are destroying his childhood by imposing bookish knowledge on him, but now childhood seems shorter than before.

happy state

Childhood is so sweet that everything seems like a toy to a small child. At this age every child wants to catch butterflies, fly with birds. He wants to travel across the sky and see fairy tales. This era is free from deception. Childhood is such a happy state that a person wants to become a child again throughout his life. A small child is free from poisons like opposition and jealousy. Childhood is full of joy for everyone, whether he is the child of a king or a beggar. The fun spent in childhood is remembered throughout life, so let children have fun to make their childhood happy and sweet. This childhood is a gift given by God. Don't let children miss out on this priceless gift. Let them play with mud, let them have fun in the rain sometimes. Let us not be worried seeing their hands and feet stained with mud, but think that we too have gone through such times and enjoyed it.

play with children sometimes

Sometimes we ourselves play with them like children and say goodbye to worries for some time. This happiness is not found again in the whole life. Therefore whenever someone remembers his childhood his eyes shine with happiness and fills us with a sweet feeling. In the race to make children intelligent before their age, we have forgotten that childhood does not want to remain in captivity, but wants to fly freely. Therefore, let the child laugh to his heart's content, do not imprison him in such useless excuses.

victims of mental illness

A small child considers school as a prison because we force him to bear the burden of books only when he is at the age of rapid development of his body. That is why most of the children are suffering from mental diseases. Due to carrying heavy burden on small shoulders, children do not grow properly in height and they always remain irritable because we neither talk to them much nor listen to all their things.

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