3 Zodiac Signs Face & Overcome Relationship Problems The Week Of October 21 – 27
News Update October 19, 2024 06:24 PM

The week of October 21 – 27, 2024, three zodiac signs find a way to face their hardships and work toward overcoming their relationship problems.

Regarding relationships, especially those that possess deep love, it can be difficult to imagine that too much of anything could destroy the bond you’ve created. Yet continually people-pleasing or trying too hard can push away the very thing you are trying to achieve—especially if you’re allowing yourself to remain stuck in the past.

Love won’t require you to give everything, especially cherished parts of yourself, but it seems necessary to make a relationship work at certain times. In these moments, you are called to attention and realize that you won’t have to exhaust yourself to make something work out.

On Tuesday, October 22, the Sun in Libra will square off with Pluto in Capricorn, informing you where you’ve overworked to maintain a relationship meant to end. Instead of trying to do everything right or not rock the boat of love, realize that you can’t sacrifice yourself or your truth to avoid change.

As difficult as this might be, Pluto’s last stand in Capricorn during this lifetime is meant to help you break free from those relationships that were only meant to serve a valuable lesson — and to help you see that no matter how much you may someone, over-giving, overpleasing, and overextending yourself can ruin any relationship.

While this energy is more about long-term change, the Moon and Mars will join forces in Cancer on Wednesday, October 23. This will make you impulsive and a bit self-righteous, as you may think you are in the right.

Not only will you be driven to take action based on your emotions, but you operate from past wounds rather than the growth and healing you have been dedicating your energy to. Try to temper your reactions and align with your truth so that any decisions you make in the week ahead, you can also remain confident about in the years ahead.

Three zodiac signs who may experience relationship challenges, October 21 – 27, 2024:

1. Cancer

Allexxandar from Getty Images | Canva

It can feel challenging when, no matter what you do, the situation doesn’t improve, but you also need to know when to walk away from cancer. On Tuesday, October 22, the Libra Sun will square off with Pluto in Capricorn, making issues in your relationship come to a head and giving you a chance to choose yourself once and for all. A relationship still lingers in your life despite all the signs that it was never meant to last forever.

Whether you are still giving multiple chances to your partner, engaging in similar cycles, or having to deal with someone through divorce proceedings — part of why this isn’t coming to an end is because of the choices you’re making.

You may need to reflect on what is worth fighting for and what isn’t because, at this point, you are being urged to choose your peace over anything to a relationship or winning a particular asset during a separation.

You have come so far, Cancer, but you must learn that sometimes it is impossible to feel like you won in a particular situation. This means that while you are learning to stand up for yourself and fight for what matters, it doesn’t mean engaging in every battle.

Often, this path leads you to walk away, choose yourself, and prioritize your peace. Try to reflect on what is of value at this point, as there is a strong emphasis on creating your own home and life rather than trying to continue to make a relationship work.

This shouldn’t be about pride, Cancer, but in learning that some people are destined to misunderstand you, walking away and choosing your peace is your only option.

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2. Libra

libra zodiac signs may experience relationship challenges october 21-27, 2024 Allexxandar from Getty Images | Canva

A great deal of inner child healing is currently coming up for clearing and processing, Libra. While you always deserve love and always will be, it seems that you may finally realize that a particular relationship in your life is more reflective of your wounds than you’re healing.

But what complicates this connection is that you’ve developed a bond with them similar to the parent-child relationship, and now all of your feelings and healing points are tangled up. But, during this time, you are being asked to focus on yourself, to validate your feelings, and the new beliefs about love that are starting to emerge so that you can use this time to truly let go of a toxic relationship that has overstayed its welcome.

On Tuesday, October 22, the Libra Sun will create a tense aspect with Pluto in Capricorn, creating a challenging moment for you to unwind your current self and situation from your childhood wounds. Look at similarities between the kind of relationship you are in now versus what you had gone through earlier in life.

The more commonalities you become aware of, the more evidence you have that this relationship was to help you heal your inner child and not because it lasted forever.

You may need to go through a significant phase of maturing where you realize that you can give yourself everything you always sought from another. Still, you will also understand what you truly deserve in this new and confident space.

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3. Sagittarius

sagittarius zodiac signs may experience relationship challenges october 21-27, 2024 Allexxandar from Getty Images | Canva

Remember that your natural gifts may also become your biggest challenge, Sagittarius. Your natural energy, desire, and enthusiasm for connecting with like-minded others will arise as the Moon and Mars unite in Cancer, activating themes of intimacy—but also secrets and lies.

Cancer energy, in its best sense, helps you create a deeper connection with a new or existing partner, but in its worst, it also makes you think the grass is always greener somewhere else. This energy, especially the drive to have a private life away from your partner, may get you in trouble this week as you are more likely to go after what you want, regardless of the consequences to your existing relationship.

While it is normal to feel like breaking all the rules, you are willing to consider why you need to rebel against commitment, healthy love, and your partner. Not all relationships are meant to last forever, regardless of intention or how good of a friendship you have developed.

Often, the need to rebel in relationships, which is the first step to having an affair, is because you are in a connection that isn’t in alignment with your truth, but for whatever reason, you are avoiding acknowledging.

While you may still be figuring out what you want, you need to make sure you don’t cross any boundaries today or let that rebellious spirit allow you to make decisions you regret. You deserve to make authentic choices, but you must also practice integrity when making them. Otherwise, you’re planting the seeds of karma that you may not want to face the consequences of.

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Kate Rose is a writerspiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.

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