Happiness Peaks For 3 Zodiac Signs During Sun Trine Moon On October 21, 2024
News Update October 21, 2024 11:24 AM

Happiness peaks for three zodiac signs on October 21, 2024. Monday promises sunshine and light for Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn zodiac signs.

The daily astrology brings us the Sun trine Moon, which is ‘way up there’ regarding a positive horoscope transit. Those who have been working on themselves may see some stellar results now. The result is happy feelings.

Sun trine Moon lets us bring back the idea that we are beautiful and good. While this may sound corny or even trite, there’s a reality here, and so much of it revolves around the idea that we do not love ourselves and stand in the way of our progress.

This transit, Sun trine Moon, will not let us go down without a fight. Because it’s a positive and peaceful transit, we’re just going to skip right over the fight and get on with the happiness. Monday brings joy to the one who finds peace and can accept it. Think about that — do you accept joy into your life? Do you know that you deserve to feel joy?

These three zodiac signs understand what to do, this October 21, 2024.

Happiness peaks for three zodiac signs on October 21, 2024:

1. Scorpio

Ibnu Hasan and Dirtyline Studio | Canva

You might wake up this Monday already feeling the power of the Sun trine Moon, as this kind of transit greets you with a smile. What’s happening for you, Scorpio, happens from the moment you rise and lasts all day. You feel happy, but there’s more to it than just that; you accept it. Happiness works for you.

While that might seem obvious, it’s not always the case, especially where you are concerned, Scorpio. You’ve seen your share of ups and downs and shown the universe some profound skepticism; you aren’t always sold on the idea that happiness peaking is consistent.

And yet, on Monday, you aren’t questioning anything. You feel joyous and content, and you feel that this is only going to lead to more of the same stuff. The Sun trine the Moon ensures that you have a beautiful day, and in your mind, it’s only the beginning.

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2. Sagittarius

sagittarius happiness peaks zodiac signs october 21, 2024 Ibnu Hasan and Dirtyline Studio | Canva

You’re always happy at this time of year, as you tend to enjoy the latter months more than the former. It’s your season, and you feel happy, and so much of that happiness is due to the presence of the transit Sun trine Moon in the night sky.

While you’re usually pretty chipper about things like the future, there’s just something great about this particular day, and this Monday, you’ll feel more hopeful about life and the future than you have in years. Something special is in the air; you’re all there for it.

You might notice, Sagittarius, that you have virtually no doubt inside you at this point. Any other day, you might let a little doubt get in the way, but you feel no such reluctance. What you do creates an environment for happinessprecisely what you want out of life — trust, happiness and security.

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3. Capricorn

capricorn happiness peaks zodiac signs october 21, 2024 Ibnu Hasan and Dirtyline Studio | Canva

While others around you may not feel exactly as you do, you’ll see that nobody doubts your feelings, which is one of joy and contentment. You are used to being doubted and sneered at simply because you like to let it be known that you feel good, but the jealousy of others doesn’t affect you.

Because of Sun trine Moon, you have risen above doubt, blame, praise, or ego; that’s not to say you aren’t still grounded, but you are riding high on good feelings. That’s how the Sun trine Moon works; it doesn’t disappoint anyone, especially when acknowledged.

You will acknowledge it this Monday, whether you know the transits or not, because there’s something very exciting going on inside you, and it can’t help but spread outwards. You are the living example of a happy person, and others notice and are affected by it in all the right ways.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.

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