Gossip News Desk – After making a lot of noise in the year 2024, Ajay Devgan has now made complete preparations for the next year. Currently she is busy in the promotion of 'Azad'. His nephew Aman Devgan is going to debut with this film. This film is going to hit the theaters on January 14, 2025. Before this action drama film, Ajay Devgan attended a cooking show with his nephew. Where while cooking, he told how he used to drink liquor mixed with Rasgulla. This video of Ajay Devgan is now going viral. Because of which people are also trolling him. Some time ago, Ajay Devgan had told in a podcast that he has been drinking alcohol since the age of 15. But have you ever heard of someone mixing liquor in Rasgulla and drinking it? Why did Ajay Devgan do this?
Ajay used to drink liquor mixed with Rasgulla.
Recently Ajay Devgan gave an interview to 'Your Food Lab'. During this, Ajay Devgan's nephew was first asked whether he had ever tried any strange food combination. On this Aman said that he eats French fries dipped in Diet Coke. On this Ajay Devgan said that I have nothing like that. During this, he pointed towards his nephew and said that when he was of his age and used to work day and night in four films, he had tried some strange things.
During this, Ajay Devgan clearly told that even then he had tried strange things not in food but in drinks. He told that during travel he did not get time to drink while sitting in the car. Especially for long drives, he used to take rasgullas and squeeze them so that syrup comes out. As soon as the size of the Rasgulla changed, it was washed by putting it in water. After this it was squeezed again and all the sweetness was taken out. Finally he would put it in wine, then taste it and eat it.
People made funny comments
After watching this video, people are making funny comments on the video. People write that “Now you make this also famous”. At the same time, some people wrote that – I have never seen Ajay sir in this style before, it was good to see this. At the same time, a user wrote – Wow, I got a new idea, now I have to try it.