Ajay Devgan starrer Abhishek Kapoor's directed film 'Azad' is going to be released in theatres soon. Recently, the trailer launch event of this film took place in Mumbai. The entire star cast of the film was present at this event. Rasha Thadani, who is making her Bollywood debut with this film, was also seen on stage. The happiness of the release of her film was visible on Rasha's face. A special guest was also seen on stage with Rasha, who has an important role in the film. Rasha kissed this guest.
Whom did Rasha kiss?
Director Abhishek Kapoor was present on stage with Rasha in the trailer launch event, during this Azad, who is a horse, was brought on stage. The story of the film 'Azad' is told around this horse Azad. Rasha spent a lot of time with Azad i.e. this horse on the sets of the film, so she has an attachment to it. So as soon as Rasha saw Azad, she kissed him lovingly. Seeing this, Abhishek Kapoor also smiled.
Rasha gets praise on social media.
A song from the film 'Azad' was released a few days ago, in which Rasha danced brilliantly. This dance has been praised by many Bollywood actors. The comments of these stars can be seen on Raveena Tandon's Instagram page. Many social media users are also praising Rasha's dancing skills.
Told about the experience of working in the film
At the trailer launch event of 'Azad', Rasha Thadani also talked about the shooting experience of the film. She says, 'I was very nervous during the shooting, I am nervous even today. But from Ajay Sir to the rest of the team members helped me a lot.' A lovely love story has also been shown between Rasha's character and Aman Devgan's character in the film 'Azad'.
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