The first trailer and look of Park Jung-Min and Jisoo's action-packed zombie rom-com Newtopia was revealed on Tuesday, January 7. The show marks the Blackpink member's return to acting, and is the first project to release her slew of line-up in 2025.Set to stream on Prime Video, the channel dropped the trailer video taking us inside the world of its lead pair, who, just on the day of their break-up, end up facing a zombie showdown. They embark on a mission to save each other, as the world around them comes crashing down.
Newtopia official trailer
The trailer shows us the reinion of the two actors, as they are naigating through the irus infested bodies. But pverall, the show has a comic touch. Newtopia posterThe makers also launched its first look poster alongside the trailer. The quirky poster gives a hint of the tone of the much-awaited project.