Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) MP Sanjay Singh invited the media to visit the official residence of former Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, which the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has claimed was during the party chief's stay there. It was converted into Sheesh Mahal.
Challenging BJP's allegations on the Sheesh Mahal issue, Sanjay Singh asked its leaders to come to the Chief Minister's residence with the media on Wednesday (today) at 11 am and prove their claims.
He alleged that Prime Minister Narendra Modi lives in a palace worth Rs 2,700 crore and openly challenged BJP to make the media visit it in a similar manner. The Rajya Sabha member alleged that from the Prime Minister to his party members, the entire BJP is running a propaganda campaign regarding Sheesh Mahal.
Actually Arvind Kejriwal lived in a bungalow located at 6 Flagstaff Road. Alleging irregularities in its renovation and the presence of expensive furnishings and household items, BJP has been targeting the Aam Aadmi Party by calling it Sheesh Mahal. Kejriwal had vacated this bungalow in October last year after leaving the post of Chief Minister of Delhi.