In 2024, the Maharashtra anti-terror squad (ATS) detained 60 undocumented immigrants from Bangladesh around the state. The ATS arrested forty-three Bangladeshi nationals who were living illegally in December 2024 alone.
As of 2025, six suspects have been taken into custody and four charges have been brought against the undocumented citizens of Bangladesh. Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, and Thane are where the majority of Bangladeshis have been apprehended.
“In 2023, a total of 27 cases were filed, and 52 accused people were taken into custody. Twelve cases were filed between January and November of 2024, and twelve defendants were taken into custody. Following that, 43 unlawfully resident Bangladeshi people were detained, and 19 charges were filed in different police stations against those who entered India illegally in December 2025 under the special mission, according to the statement.
The Maharashtra ATS claims that the Bangladeshi nationals were using forged voter ID cards, Aadhar cards, and PAN cards.
On the surface, it seems like phony identification cards have been created. According to a statement, the local police are looking into the matter further.
In the meanwhile, a special inquiry is being carried out in Ratnagiri by the Intelligence Bureau (IB) and ATS to look into a case involving birth certificates being given to undocumented Bangladeshi nationals.
Nine citizens of Bangladesh were arrested by the Central Delhi Police during the course of a recent operation earlier on January 6. Seven of the suspects were taken into custody at a hotel in Central Delhi’s Nabi Karim neighborhood.Some of the inmates reportedly entered India on tourist visas, while others allegedly crossed the border illegally by traveling via West Bengal and Tripura on the “donkey route” before arriving in Delhi.
As a result of this operation, the Central Delhi Police have now taken 14 Bangladeshi nationals into custody and transported them to the Foreigners Regional Registration Office (FRRO) for further processing and investigation.