Pritish Nandy passed away: Indian journalist-turned-filmmaker Pritish Nandy died of a heart attack at his residence in Mumbai on Wednesday. This news was confirmed by veteran actor Anupam Kher. The actor shared a note to his ex in memory of the late director. He shared two monochromatic photos of the late director taken decades apart.
Anupam wrote, “Deeply saddened and shocked to learn about the demise of one of my dearest and closest friends #PritishNandi! Amazing poet, writer, filmmaker and a courageous and unique editor/journalist. He was my support system and a great source of strength during my initial days in Mumbai.” He further mentioned, “We had a lot of things in common. He was one of the most fearless people I met. Always larger than life. I learned many things from him.
Recently we did not meet often. But there was a time when we were inseparable! I will never forget when he surprised me by putting me on the cover of a magazine and most importantly #TheIllustratedWeelky. He was the true definition of yaaron ka yaar! I will miss you and the time we spent together, my friend. Rest well. #heartbroken”.