Pune: Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis said Thursday that the state’s Jalyukt Shivar 3.0 plan intends to fix the state’s current water-saving infrastructure and add new water-saving features.
According to CM Fadnavis, the third phase of Jalyukt Shivar 2.0 is being introduced since the second edition, which was started by previous Chief Minister Eknath Shinde, is nearing its conclusion.
“Undoubtedly, the state’s Jalyukt Shivar Scheme offered several advantages.We began Jalyukt Shivar 2.0 when CM Eknath Shinde took office, and this second edition is finally coming to a conclusion.Phase three of the plan, which would include repairing the existing water conservation buildings and implementing new water conservation measures, will shortly begin, Fadnavis told reporters.
The goal of Maharashtra’s water conservation initiative, Jalyukt Shivar Abhiyan 3.0, is to eliminate drought in the state by enhancing water management and storage.
Speaking on the subject of law and order in Pune, the chief minister said that it would be incorrect to claim that crime is on the rise in the city and that each incidence should be handled seriously.
It is true that there have been occurrences in Pune, but given the city’s growth, it would be incorrect to claim that crime is on the rise there, according to Fadnavis. Nevertheless, even one incident should be treated carefully. We are keeping an eye on it. In every one of these cases, the police have arrested the accused right away, and some of them have even been found guilty. We are expanding the CCTV camera network at the same time, which will aid in lowering crime.