Aamir Khan's son Junaid Khan had attracted people's attention with his very first film. Now Junaid is going to hit the theaters with his next film 'Loveyapa'. There is excitement among the fans regarding this film because Sridevi's younger daughter Khushi Kapoor is also going to be seen in it. The trailer of the film will be released on January 10, but to maintain the buzz among the fans, the makers had released the title track of 'Lavyapa'. The connection of the trailer launch of this film with Aamir Khan's first film has come to light.
Actually, today the trailer of Junaid and Khushi's film 'Loveyapa' will be released and the special thing is that Aamir Khan will also be present on this occasion. Not only this, the trailer of 'Loveyapa' is being released at the same place where Aamir Khan's first film Qayamat Se Qayamat Tak was premiered. You heard it right, the trailer of 'Loveyapa' will be launched at New Excelsior Mukta A2 Cinemas, Fort Churchgate in Mumbai. This is a single-screen theatre.
According to a report in Filmfare, the trailer of Junaid Khan and Khushi Kapoor being released has an old connection with the important history of Bollywood. This is the same place where Aamir Khan's 'Qayamat Se Qayamat Tak' premiered three decades ago. This place is also a very special place for Junaid, who has reached there for the trailer of his second film. Junaid's father Aamir Khan started his journey from this place. Aamir will launch the trailer of 'Loveyapa'. Also, by reaching this place the superstars will refresh their old memories.
Along with the trailer launch of 'Loveyapa', a big event will also be hosted at the same place. It is believed that the makers have ensured that the entire team of the film and 600 fans are present during this period. Talking about 'Loveyapa', it is going to be a romance and dating story. This film is going to be very special for Khushi Kapoor. She is going to be seen as a lead actress for the first time in 'Loveyapa'. The eyes of all the viewers will be on the work of Khushi Kapoor. The film is going to be released on 7th February.