As organized crime continues to rise in Pune, the city police are facing criticism for their handling of the situation. On Thursday, a gangster in Pune organized a rally following his release from Yerawada Jail, drawing attention from both the public and law enforcement.
Praful "Gudya" Ganesh Kasabe, along with 60 to 70 supporters, took part in a procession, parading through the city on bikes and in cars. This occurred after Kasabe was granted bail under the Maharashtra Control of Organized Crime Act (MCOCA). He had been incarcerated since 2021 alongside several other gang members.
In response, Pune Police took swift action by detaining Kasabe and his gang, parading them in the area. Kasabe was initially arrested by former Pune Police Commissioner Amitabh Gupta in 2021 for his involvement in organized crime, which includes charges such as murder, attempted murder, rioting, illegal possession of firearms, and more.
Video was widely circulated
On Thursday, a new case was registered against Kasabe and his 40 supporters for unlawful assembly and rioting. This followed the circulation of a viral video showing the procession.
Ravindra Shelke, Senior Police Inspector at Yerawada Police Station, confirmed, "The rally organized by the accused, who was out on bail, led to the registration of a case. We have identified and investigated nine suspects, and we are working to locate and arrest the others. Our focus remains on maintaining public order and ensuring justice."