The highly praised Malayalam filmSookshmadarshinifeaturing Nazriya Fahadh and Basil Joseph in lead roles, is now available for streaming on Disney+ Hotstar. Directed by MC Jithin, the mystery thriller delves into the unsettling suspicions of a woman about her neighbour’s mysterious past. Following a successful theatrical release in 2024, the film has made its OTT debut on 11 January 2025, offering audiences a thrilling cinematic experience across five languages—Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, Hindi, and Kannada—with English subtitles.
Sookshmadarshini officially began streaming on Disney+ Hotstar from 11 January 2025. This release caters to a broader audience by providing the film in Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, Hindi, and Kannada, all accompanied by English subtitles. Fans of regional cinema and mystery thrillers can now enjoy the film from the comfort of their homes, making it accessible to a diverse viewer base across India and beyond.
The story follows Priyadarshini, fondly known as Priya, who leads a peaceful life with her husband Antony and their daughter Kani in a close-knit neighbourhood. Their harmonious existence is disrupted by the arrival of Manuel, a seemingly friendly bakery owner, and his elderly mother. Despite Manuel’s pleasant demeanour, Priya becomes increasingly suspicious of his enigmatic past. Driven by intuition, she embarks on a journey to uncover unsettling truths about her new neighbour. The film masterfully builds suspense, weaving tension and intrigue throughout its narrative. The official trailer teases this growing unease, offering audiences a glimpse into the psychological thrills that await.
Sookshmadarshini boasts a talented cast led by Nazriya Fahadh as Priya and Basil Joseph as Manuel. The supporting cast includes Deepak Parambol, Sidharth Bharathan, and Akhila Bhargavan, who each contribute depth to the story. The gripping screenplay is crafted by Athul Ramachandran and Libin TB, while the evocative musical score is composed by Christo Xavier. Sharan Velayudhan’s cinematography expertly captures the film’s atmospheric tension, and Chaman Chakko’s sharp editing enhances the storytelling. The film is produced by AVA Productions in collaboration with Happy Hours Entertainment, bringing together an experienced creative team to deliver a compelling cinematic journey.
Since its release,Sookshmadarshini has received widespread acclaim from both critics and audiences. The film currently holds an impressive IMDb rating of 8.3/10, with viewers praising its gripping narrative, suspenseful atmosphere, and standout performances by the cast. The film’s intricate storytelling and psychological depth have cemented its place as a must-watch thriller for 2025.
With its seamless blend of suspense, strong performances, and immersive storytelling,Sookshmadarshini offers a captivating viewing experience. Now streaming on Disney+ Hotstar in five languages, the film is easily accessible to a wide audience. Whether you’re a fan of mystery thrillers or Malayalam cinema, this film promises to keep viewers on the edge of their seats.
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