New Delhi New Delhi: IT major Infosys on Thursday said its net profit increased by 11.5 per cent to Rs 6,806 crore in the third quarter (Q3) of the current financial year, compared to Rs 6,106 crore in the same quarter a year ago. The digital services and consulting leader delivered a strong and comprehensive performance and posted revenue of $4,939 million in the third quarter, an increase of 1.7 per cent sequentially and 6.1 per cent (y-o-y) in constant currency. Operating margin for the third quarter stood at 21.3 percent, an increase of 0.2 percent sequentially.
Free cash flow for the third quarter was an all-time high of $1,263 million, up 90 percent year-over-year, the company said in a statement. CEO and MD Salil Parekh said, “Our strong revenue growth sequentially in a seasonally weak quarter and broad-based year-on-year growth, as well as strong operating parameters and margins, are driven by our differentiated digital offerings, market position and key strategic initiatives. is a clear reflection of its success.” “Having another quarter of strong large deal wins and an improving deal pipeline gives us more confidence moving forward,” he said. Infosys shares closed 1.5 per cent lower at Rs 1,920 on BSE ahead of quarterly results.
The company has raised its CC revenue growth guidance for FY2025 to 4.5-5 per cent for the third consecutive quarter, compared to its previous guidance of 3.75-4.5 per cent. “We delivered another quarter of strong performance with revenue growth and operating margin expansion across all segments, leading to 11.4 per cent YoY EPS growth in rupee terms,” CFO Jayesh Sangharajka said. “Our structured approach to operating margin expansion led to better results in the third quarter, particularly due to improved realization and benefits of scale,” Sangharajaka said. Infosys won mega deals worth $2.5 billion in total contract value (TCV), 63 per cent of which is net new, compared to $2.4 billion in the second quarter. The number of active customers was 1,876.