The nostalgia wave at the Bigg Boss 18 grand finale has been brought along by Bollywood superstars Salman Khan and Aamir Khan as they have reprised their iconic roles of Amar and Prem from the cult classic Andaz Apna Apna, which was extremely successful back in 1994. The two actors recreated one of the most loved scenes from the film, where they rode a bike together, with the song Do Mastane Chale Zindagi Banane playing in the background. The audience went wild, while most took to social media, calling it a “precious moment in time” and celebrating the reunion of Amar and Prem after 31 years.
Aamir Khan’s presence at the finale will promote his debut movie about his son Junaid Khan called Loveyapa. Directed by Advait Chandan, the rom-com involves a couple challenging their faith by switching phones. Starring Junaid, along with Khushi Kapoor, Grusha Kapoor and Ashutosh Rana, the film is scheduled for release on February 7, 2025, and already has impressive buzz around it.
The Bigg Boss 18 finale was star-studded as finalist contestants Avinash Mishra, Karan Veer Mehra, Rajat Dalal, and Vivian Dsena competed for ₹50 lakh and a glittering gold trophy. Fans also expressed their outrage about Rajat Dalal’s controversial eviction from the show, one more talking point for the gala finale.
Andaz Apna Apna, much-loved all the Bollywood world over, was released in 1994. It keeps everybody rolling with laughter, making it one of the evergreen favorites. The reunion of Salman and Aamir, as beloved characters, would have brought immense joy to people’s hearts, confirming the heritage of such strong legacies like Amar and Prem. Their presence on the Bigg Boss stage turned the grand finale into a never-to-be-forgotten kind of event, effectively mixing nostalgia with high-stakes entertainment.
Moreover Eisha Singh has been eliminated from the Bigg Boss 18 finale.
Veer made the announcement in a unique way. Each of the six contestants was wearing a jacket and upon pressing a switch, a small fire lit up on one of the jackets indicating which contestant would be eliminated. Eisha’s jacket caught fire and she bid farewell to the other finalists.
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