Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan has been in the industry for almost 30 years. Saif's career is going well but recently there was an attack on him, after which fans started worrying about him. However, now Saif is fine and recovering. Saif is a very happy-natured person and he does not hold back in saying or reacting to anything. When something was discussed about Salman Khan's brother Arbaaz Khan in a show, the actor could not stop laughing there too.
Saif had appeared in an episode of 'The Kapil Sharma Show'. Here Kapil Sharma asked such a question that Saif started laughing. Then the actor told the reason for becoming an actor which is quite interesting.
Kapil Sharma told Saif Ali Khan, 'Salim Khan Sahab had told that my son Arbaaz came to me one day and was a little confused. Papa says, should I play cricket or sing? So Salim Saheb said, you play cricket, say you have seen me playing cricket? So Salim Sahab says – No, I have seen you singing. Saif started laughing loudly at this statement of Kapil. Now Kapil asked Saif, 'Sir, you had two options, either Nawab Pataudi Sahab could have become a cricketer like your father, your mother is a legendary actress. So did Sharmila ji see you playing cricket? I mean, your first love was acting from the beginning sir?
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Saif laughed again on Kapil's question and said, 'It is said that I got my acting ability from my mother, that is, acting came into me genetically from there. Cricket requires mental focus, which I never had, so mentally. Cricket suit did not suit me. I enjoy acting a lot and I think I took the right decision. As far as Arbaaz is concerned, when I meet Salman, I will ask whether he (Arbaaz) should become a singer or a cricketer. On this, Kapil said jokingly, 'No sir, leave it, this is a matter between us, why involve Bhaijaan.'
At the age of 22, Saif Ali Khan started his Bollywood career with the film Parampara (1992). But Saif's first hit film was Yeh Dillagi (1994) and his first blockbuster was Main Khiladi Tu Anari (1994). After this, Saif worked in successful films like 'Dil Chahta Hai', 'Kal Ho Na Ho', 'Hum Tum', 'Race', 'Race 2', 'Love Aaj Kal', 'Cocktail' and 'Tanhaji'. Is.